
robert mcgonegal robert37 at
Mon Nov 7 19:31:14 EST 2005

What I most appreciate about Markdown is it's simplicity. The ability
to handle basic tables would be nice but only if the formatting is
simpler and easier to both read and write than HTML. The extra typing
required by HTML is no more tedious IMO than fussing over tabbed or
spaced words trying to align them with | vertical piping | on both

Anyone can see what's below is meant to be a simple table. What is
the absolute minimum coding Markdown would need to figure this out?
Is it possible that rows and cells wouldn't need explicit delimiters,
and that irregular white space could be compacted and deciphered into

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<Text>------<Text>=====<Text> = <table><tr><th><Text> etc.

Robert McGonegal

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