Adding an alias to a raw url.

Steve Cooper steve at
Wed Nov 16 03:15:07 EST 2005

> I can see the argument, but I'm not sure it'd be worth adding the rule to the syntax.

The argument is that the language simplifies; all links are
<http://braketed>, and can be preceded by an [alias].

> Because if URLs were generated automatically, how would you produce a URL that you did *not* want linked?

Good point, of course ;) Considering the question a non-retorical one,
a couple of ways spring to mind;

* put it it in a `code span`. If you don't want something url-like to
be linked, it may well be as a code example, eg: A subdomain address
looks like `http://subdomain.domain.ext`.
* escape the protocol's colon: eg, http\:// This could
bypass the automatic linking regex while still appearing as a valid
url on the page.

I was mainly thinking back to writing emails, where if I tell a friend;

why not waste your time on

Then I'm really trying to provide them with a link they can click.

Steve Cooper, Mindfire Software
steve at

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