Whitespace and emphasis

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Mon Nov 28 18:55:32 EST 2005

I've just found this interesting comment in the TextPattern forums.
It talks about why Textile doesn't work well with Japanese text and
Markdown does a better job. Basically it's because Markdown can make
emphasis and links in the middle of words -- there is no space in a
Japanese sentense.

This is something to keep in mind if we ever change Markdown's middle-
word emphasis.

From: <http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?id=12827>

>> Regarding the strong and em tags in the second line: Textile

>> deliberately ignores character span tags that are bounded on both

>> sides by word characters, because something like vis-a-vis

>> shouldn’t become vis<del>a</del>vis. So I wouldn’t expect those

>> two fragments to work in any language. If it worked that way

>> before, it was a bug. (Is there something unique about Japanese

>> that would make that useful? Not that I think Textile should have

>> language specific exceptions, I’m just curious).

> No it never worked, that is the first reason why we started using

> MarkDown to input Japanese text.


> A typical Japanese sentence doesn’t contain any white space at all,

> it is a long string of characters; if any white space is used, it

> would be the Japanese white space, but that is exceptional. And

> that is where Textile fails. I don’t know which voodoo MarkDown

> performs — or rather Michel Fortin’s port, but strong, em and links

> work well, so far. (ok, for links I guess it is due to the syntax:

> [linktext](url "title")).

Text case (prior in the thread) for textile syntax:

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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