[ANN] PHP Markdown Extra 1.0

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Mon Sep 5 11:42:31 EDT 2005

Hi everyone. I think this release was most expected. Here is a new
version of PHP Markdown Extra with added support for id attributes,
but only on headers. It also fix two other bugs related to tables.

Download it from the PHP Markdown Main Page:

From the read-me file, here is the version history:

Extra 1.0 - 5 September 2005

* Added support for setting id attributes for headers like this:

Header 1 {#header1}

## Header 2 ## {#header2}

This only work with headers for now.

* Tables will now work correctly as the first element of a definition
list. For example, this input:


: Header | Header
------- | -------
Cell | Cell

used to produce no definition list and a table where the first
header was named ": Header". This is now fixed.

* Fix for a problem where a paragraph following a table was not
placed between `<p>` tags.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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