PHP 5 port of Markdown, plugin-based

Paul M Jones pmjones88 at
Wed Aug 16 16:06:39 EDT 2006

(Sorry to flood this list on this topic.)

Earlier, I reported that Solar_Markdown runs at about 50% the speed
of PHP-Markdown:

* benchSolarMarkdown ran 62075 iterations in 2 minutes (517/second)

* benchPhpMarkdown ran 125904 iterations in 2 minutes (1049/second)

It turns out that I had "tidy" turned on for Solar_Markdown in those
runs. Without tidy (which is a more-fair comparison) Solar_Markdown
is still slower, but comes up to about 70% of the speed of PHP-Markdown:

* benchSolarMarkdown ran 88505 iterations in 2 minutes (737/second)

* benchPhpMarkdown ran 125207 iterations in 2 minutes (1043/second)

So it's quite a bit faster than I thought earlier, though still not
quite as fast as Michel's work.

-- pmj

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