CodeDown = Markdown as the universal language for program documentation

David Chambers david.chambers.05 at
Mon Apr 11 17:46:01 EDT 2011

Check out Jeremy Ashkenas <>'s
Truly beautiful.


On 11 April 2011 13:32, bucephalus org < at> wrote:

> Hi Sherwood,


> Thank you very much for your interest and reply!


> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Sherwood Botsford <sgbotsford at>wrote:


>> Interesting concept, but I think you have it partially reversed.


>> You want php -> codedown -> web


>> I think it would be better:


>> codedown -> php

>> codedown -> markdown -> web



> I am not sure, if I understand what you mean. But I am under the

> impression, that maybe you don't understand what the general idea of

> CodeDown is. There is not separate code called "CodeDown", that could or

> should be translated into PHP or Markdown. There is only the source code of

> a particular given programming language, say PHP.


> Consider the following simple script, called `example.php`, comprising the

> following code


> <?php

> /*

> tripleThis($n) returns the three-fold of the given number $n.

> */

> function tripleThis ($n) {

> return 3 * $n;

> }

> ?>


> This is plain standard PHP, with one comment between /*...*/.

> I can run this through my ElephantMark converter, like so


> php elephantmark.php example.php


> and that returns an empty HTML document, pretty much like this


> <html>

> <body>

> </body>

> </html>


> You can also run the example.php script itself and use the triple()

> function, as usual with PHP!


> The thing is, that a little modification of the script (in fact, there are

> three simple syntax rules), turns it into a potential self-documentation of

> the script. But note, that the script as PHP script is totally unchanged!


> For example, by turning the ordinary command /*...*/ into what I called a

> Markdown block /*** ... ***/, allows us to apply proper Markdown (as a

> super-set of HTML). And putting the function definition between two lines of

> // // // makes that part a literal block.

> So our modified example.php is now say


> <?php


> /***

> # A nice function


> `tripleThis($n)` returns the three-fold of the given number `$n`.


> Its implementation is as follows:

> ***/


> // // //

> function tripleThis ($n) {

> return 3 * $n;

> }

> // // //


> ?>


> If we now run the same command


> php elephantmark.php example.php


> the output will be a HTML document


> <html>

> <body>

> <h1>A nice function</h1>

> <p>

> <code>tripleThis($n)</code> returns the three-fold of the given

> number <code>$n$</code>.

> </p>

> <p>

> Its implementation is as follows:

> </p>

> <pre><code>function tripleThis($n) {

> return 3 * $n;

> }

> </code></pre>

> </body>

> </html>


> So this is a HTML document generated from the PHP source, which is thus

> both, a PHP script and its own documentation.

> (I left away the intermediate step, that the script is first translated

> into Markdown, and that is then translated into HTML. But the normal user

> will not need this intermediate Markdown step.)




>> One of the weaknesses for most programming is that people postpone writing

>> the documentation.


>> In one of the few programming courses I had, the instructor had us write

>> the user manual first. THEN write the top level description of the program,

>> including documenting the algorithms. ONLY then could we write the

>> program. After we had to correct the previous levels.



> This is exactly the way I personally use my ElephantMark (or PhpCodeDown)

> all the time! Both the PHP program and its HTML documentation can grow

> gradually and simultaneously, and both have the same single source file!





> There is a lot of merit in this for anything that is too complicated to fit

>> into a single file.


>> In addition this approach requires no changes to markdown.


>> Codedown then only has to recognize a different commenting style for

>> whatever language you are using, which I think would make it quick to write.



> I am not sure again, if I understand this last part. But maybe, it only

> makes sense in your interpretation.



> Thank you again, Sherwood, for your comment.

> I think, for people knowing Markdown, the CodeDown idea is all too simple:

> you just need one, two, or three syntax rules concerning the modification of

> comments in the original programming language. And just that makes it so

> universal and easy.

> But maybe, it is so simple, that it is too difficult for me to explain.


> Greetings,

> Thomas










>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 10:17 AM, bucephalus org <

>>> wrote:


>>> Dear Markdown enthusiasts out there!



>>> Sure, I don't need to tell you how great an versatile Markdown is for

>>> writing standard documents.

>>> I think, that it would make a really great universal standard as a

>>> programming documentation language, too, and maybe "CodeDown" would be a

>>> good title for this approach.



>>> The idea started when I was trying to document some PHP scripts. I need

>>> to use different programming languages for different purposes, but I am not

>>> a full time programmer. The problem is, that for most of these languages,

>>> the standard documentation tools are yet another language on their own, and

>>> I already have difficulties remembering the idioms of the programming

>>> languages. When I was working on the PHP scripts, I was looking for a

>>> standard tool to write some docs, but I was overwhelmed by phpDocumentor.


>>> In the past, I often used Perl's POD to write tutorials for some of my

>>> programs, and that always did a good job. But a while ago I discovered

>>> Markdown, and I found that even more convenient and intuitive. I thought, it

>>> would be very easy to use that as the format for literal programming in PHP:

>>> by a simple modification of the usual comment delimiters /* ... */ and // in

>>> PHP, these comments would become designated blocks for Markdown comments or

>>> delimiters for source code parts, that would appear in the documentation.

>>> The possibility these literal code blocks is an essential part of Donald

>>> Knuth's literal programming concept, and most standard documentation tools

>>> are not even capable of realizing that.


>>> In a first conversion step, these blocks would turn into Markdown, and in

>>> a second conversion step, the Markdown is converted to HTML.


>>> phpToMarkdown

>>> markdownToHtml

>>> PHP source code ------------------------------> Markdown

>>> --------------------------> HTML



>>> For the markdownToHtml function, I used Michel Fortin's PHP Markdown, so

>>> my actual converter is a pretty small script. I called it ElephantMark (see

>>> and

>>> the according script is its own documentation.



>>> This approach can be used for any mainstream programming language. My

>>> current favorite is Haskell, and I wrote a HaskellDown module, that does

>>> similar things for Haskell. The main converter is just a composition of two

>>> functions


>>> haskellToMarkdown

>>> markdownToHtml

>>> Haskell source code ---------------------------------> Markdown

>>> ------------------------> HTML



>>> For the markdownToHtml part I used the very powerful Pandoc module,

>>> written by John MacFarlane.

>>> This week, I'll give a talk about it on a meeting of the Dutch Haskell

>>> User Group, and I intend to publish it, as soon as possible.



>>> During the preparations for the talk, I thought I should call the whole

>>> idea "CodeDown", including "Php(Code)Down" as the CodeDown for PHP,

>>> "PythonCodeDown" as the CodeDown for Python, etc. There could even be a

>>> general CodeDown tool, that does the conversion for all these particular

>>> languages alltogether.




>>> But before I put any more work into this project, I would like to find

>>> out, if there is really a general interest or support for this idea. Please,

>>> don't spare on your comments, answers or questions.



>>> Greetings, Thomas

>>> (



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