two lists without separating text (corner case?)

weakish weakish at
Tue Feb 8 10:01:44 EST 2011

weakish <weakish <at>> writes:

> What's more, if we intercept this as one list,

> then how can we write two lists without separating

> text in markdown? I've no idea except using HTML:


> - apple

> - orange

> <!-- Dear Markdown: I want two lists. -->

> * John

> * Jane

This idea just came to my mind:
use empty blockquote or code span:

- apple
- orange


* John
* Jane

` `

+ foo
+ bar

This works in all markdown implementation.

Empty code span feels better to me,
since using empty blockquote requires an
invisible space character.

But maybe `<!-- Dear Markdown: I want two lists. -->`
is more clear and explicit.

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