[ANN] Minima 0.8.0a1

Jozef Kosoru jozef.kosoru at backtick-tools.com
Tue Aug 13 18:43:54 EDT 2013


I would like to announce the first public alpha release of Minima - a Markdown
compatible text converter.


This release is intended for early testers and enthusiasts to evaluate Minima
Markdown parser implementation. Minima is a standalone command line native code
converter optimized for correctness, security and performance. While future
versions will provide more output formats, this alpha release is capable to
convert an input Markdown text into HTML and XHTML output formats only.

Minima passes Gruber's Markdown test with a few [intentional exceptions][1]. In
addition to standard Markdown, it also adds following commonly used extensions:

* Fenced code blocks.
* Definition lists.
* Footnotes.

Packages are available for Windows and Linux. OSX and FreeBSD builds will be
provided with later alpha releases.

[Babelmark2][2] has been already updated to include an output from Minima
for comparison with other Markdown parsers.

Best regards,
Jozef Kosoru

[1]: http://www.backtick-tools.com/minima/0.8.0a1/doc/markdown_test.html
[2]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/babelmark2/

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