Github-style fenced code blocks

m ali ayas dev at
Fri Sep 27 08:04:24 EDT 2013

AFAIK backticks are commonly used and known. It'd be good to support it
in PHP Markdown Extra until a consensus spec rises.

2013-09-27 14:48 tarihinde, Michel Fortin yazdı:

> I get a lot of requests for Github-style fenced code blocks in PHP Markdown Extra. While I despite the syntax -- it also happens to be a valid code span! -- I wonder whether I should relent on this. It seems to be bothering a lot of people (even those who know about the tilde-based fenced code block syntax).


> In Github-Flavored Markdown, a code block works like this:


> ```php

> some php code

> ```


> Replace those backticks with tildes and you get a valid fenced code block in PHP Markdown Extra:


> ~~~php

> some php code

> ~~~


> Of course, now Github also supports tilde for fenced code blocks. But their documentation only mention the backtick-based syntax.

> <>


> If take a look at Babelmark 2, it seems that most implementations supporting one also support the other.

> <```php%0Asome+php+code%0A```%0A>

> <>


> I wondered if some of you have any opinion to share on this.


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