No subject
Tue Dec 29 08:20:31 EST 2009
approval of other networks. I.E., the GEON had been approved; it's now a
matter of approving their bylaws/operating rules.
There is a second proposal we started working on at about the same time, which
would deal with the extablishment of affiliated networks. As both Kevin and
Phil have said, this is drawing questions, and it's clear more thought and
input will have to be given to this.
Holly Hart
Quoting Kevin McKeown <kevin at>:
> Carolyn, thank you.
> There is already some discussion of removing entirely the reference to
> bylaws for other "networks" and just accepting the bylaws for the Green
> Officeholders' Network on their own, self-contained, sui generis. Would
> that help address your concerns?
> The section on staff actually is meant to make sure staff IS shared as you
> suggest. Without that clause, ad hoc hirings with money raised outside the
> GPUS finance structure could compromise our commitment to be fully part of
> the GPUS. The sections on fundraising and hirings were inserted to address
> concerns raised at the Washington meeting, and were part of the consensus
> that was reached there for us to go forward with the wording of these
> bylaws.
> I hope these clarifications help.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> On 12/8/03 5:06 PM, curse2bless at (curse2bless at
> wrote:
> > There is a need for this and I thank Kevin for his push in creating it.
> >
> > I cannot vote for this without first having the proper bylaws in place. I
> > said this at the July Meeting and I emphatically still say it.
> >
> >> Upon approval of these bylaws and rules by the CC, the Green
> >Officeholders
> >> Network shall be granted interim status as an official >GPUS Network, and
> >> considered fully accepted at such time as the GPUS >Bylaws have been
> amended
> >> to include the establishment and acceptance of >affiliated Networks.
> >
> >
> > Beyond that I do not approve at this time of the growth of the Green Party
> > that we can have subgroups of the Party (caucuses, committees, networks,
> etc)
> > having their own staff. Each subgroup shares the national staff equally.
> At
> > a time in the future I'm sure the groups will have their own staff. It
> > becomes a tangle of having a subgroup raise funds for their own staff not
> > funds for the party. Staff must be shared now.
> >
> > Carolyn Dulai
> > GPMI
> ___________________________________________________
> Kevin McKeown | Santa Monica, CA (USA)
> email: kevin at | 310 393-3639 /-3609 FAX
> | "Choose to be conscious"
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