No subject

Tue Dec 29 08:20:31 EST 2009

Sevigny CT, <BR>
Facilitator Ben Manski, Jo Chamberlain took over later. <BR>
Time keeper &nbsp;Jake Schneider<BR>
Notes &nbsp;Greg Gerritt, &nbsp;Holly Hart agreed to take notes on the disc=
ussion of SC structuring for the brpp. <BR>
Andy Parks makes first presentation to open discussion. &nbsp;Noted show lo=
ng brpp had worked on it and its great flexibility. &nbsp;Asked SC for conce=
Jo C &nbsp;Generally supportive of the idea of portfolios, wanted to see a =
proposal that was much tighter and more structured. &nbsp;Wanted the electio=
ns of the various parts of the &nbsp;the SC more structured, &nbsp;a descrip=
tion of how portfolios would actually be created and selected. &nbsp;<BR>
Anita, does not like the proposal. &nbsp;believes it is too corporate and h=
ierarchical. &nbsp;Would like to see a restructuring that was much more in t=
une with Green values and bringing in the grassroots.<BR>
Tom, responding to a comment on the size of the SC. &nbsp;BRPP supports add=
ing two members to 7 co chairs, or however that will be named, as incrementa=
l change, and because do you imagine what it would be like to work as a body=
of 20. &nbsp;<BR>
Andy &nbsp;there is pretty much a consensus that portfolios work. &nbsp;the=
issue of how to elect, brpp offers maximum flexibility. &nbsp;Also thinks w=
e can separate a vote on how to do it and then figure out how to elect it. &=
nbsp;One step at a time. &nbsp;Define responsibilities based on what committ=
ees they are working with. &nbsp;<BR>
Jo &nbsp;would like to see elections for portfolios right after election of=
SC by the CC. &nbsp;Let folks choose portfolios and if more than 1 wants a =
particular portfolio, then a CC vote. <BR>
Also wants a separate vote on alternates and a defined role for them. &nbsp=
;SC should not be in charge of dividing itself up or making its own rules. <=
Tom rules on election are being done separately and should stay that way. <=
Andy Election is next project, after the proposal process. And the SC reall=
y ought to develop its own policies and procedures, just like any other comm=
ittee. &nbsp;<BR>
JO &nbsp;conflicts in the SC ought to go to the CC. &nbsp;Wants real clarit=
y on how portfolios will be selected and the election of the SC. &nbsp;CC sh=
ould define the roles of the SC more.<BR>
Anita too hierarchical<BR>
Jo spell out elections and terms<BR>
Jake, the SC should just allow this to go to the voting page and the CC can=
discuss it as a proposal rather than just send it back to committee and giv=
e it to the CC informally. &nbsp;<BR>
Jonathan Lundell, send it to the CC as a proposal, do not send it back to t=
he brpp<BR>
Things to add and think about<BR>
Make the SC less hierarchical<BR>
More checks and balances<BR>
This does not give anything back to the other greens<BR>
funnel resources to the grassroots, this does not<BR>
not accountable<BR>
elect SC by regions<BR>
this keeps too much info in too few hands<BR>
SC then accepted the idea of this going to the voting page for a normal pro=
cedure. &nbsp;Some members just felt it was ready to go out, others felt tha=
t the SC, while it has the ability to slightly delay resolutions going out s=
o that the floor does not get too crowded and for other administrative reaso=
ns, could no longer delay this going out. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Greg will floor =
manage, goes on for discussion on Monday.<BR>
Members of the BRPP signed off, members of the CCC Juscha Robinson, Masada =
Disenhouse, Gray Newman, and Brent McMillan signed on. &nbsp;<BR>
Office Report from OD Emily Citkowski<BR>
Fixed technical problem with credit card donations<BR>
Need to send out Green Pages, need to allocate $1500 to mailing costs. &nbs=
p;Also looking for innovative ways to get people to buy bundles. &nbsp;Send =
Need computer monitor for Computer for Director of African American Affairs=
. &nbsp;That will cost $100. &nbsp;approved expenditure by SC consensus<BR>
Computers for new Fundraising Director and Political Director. &nbsp;This $=
1400 expenditure has been approved previously, it was decided to delay the b=
uy until just before the FD and PD are ready to start in the office, which i=
s Mid February.<BR>
Agreed that if Emily found appropriate student interns at no cost she was w=
elcome to welcome them. <BR>
At about 10:40 PM, Following the office report and votes on expenditures th=
e SC and members of the CCC convened with Brent MacMillan to discuss the Pol=
itical Directors hiring. &nbsp;The SC did this in open session, &nbsp;but in=
retrospect it is quite clear that talking about contracts with individuals =
MUST be done in Executive Session. &nbsp;I did take notes, but I am not goin=
g to publish them openly, I will treat them as Executive Session notes. &nbs=
p;If you have questions about this, we can discuss it, but rather than publi=
sh them I expect that the results of the negotiations will be made apparent =
soon. &nbsp;i.e.. when the Political Director position has a signed contract=
and work begins, you will most definitely be informed.<BR>
The session discussing the Political Director position ended about 11:45 PM=
EST. &nbsp;There was still one more item on the agenda, the budget, but I e=
xcused myself as it was too late and I had to get up in the morning. &nbsp;I=
assume that notes were taken by someone else after I signed off.<BR>
greg gerritt <BR>
NOtes from Marnie glickman covering the period after greg gerritt &nbsp;sig=
ned off<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Jake/Jo: &nbsp;The fundraising committee =
recommends that the budget proposal will go to a vote when the voting on the=
fundraising proposal concludes on 1/29/04. &nbsp;The budget will not be div=
ided between discretionary and non-discretionary. &nbsp;It will be one big b=
udget.</FONT></FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial"> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Our next call is 1/29/04. After that we w=
ill meet the first and third Thursdays of each month at 630pm west coast tim=
e.</FONT></FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial"> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Ben: &nbsp;Expressed a concern about plan=
s. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Will advise Scott to issue a release.</FONT></FONT> <BR=


As noted above, I had concerns about publishing the notes from the discussi=
on with the &nbsp;potential Political Director, Brent McMillan, about his co=
ntract. &nbsp;Some SC members wanted them published feeling they were not ex=
ecutive session notes. &nbsp;Brent has given permission for these to be publ=
ished, so here they are. &nbsp;<BR>
<TT>Folks, we &nbsp;discussed the PD hire in open session, but it is clearl=
something that MUST be done in Executive session. &nbsp;I am producing thes=
notes so that we all have them to work from to finish the contract and get<=
the process moving smoothly, but I will not be posting them to any list, an=
ask that you refrain from that as well. &nbsp;If I missed something in thes=
send it to all of us as since these are not for posting, i will not be<BR>
revising them. &nbsp;greg<BR>
session starts about 10:40 EST<BR>
Started off with financial report from Jake, essentially we have $30,000 or=
so in the bank. &nbsp;Monthly expenses are $28,000 at a minimum, not much i=
flowing in, but now FD is coming on, maybe it will brighten up. &nbsp;Maili=
ng did<BR>
go out this week.<BR>
About 10 convention registrations have come in, ($500), record keeping is<B=
segregated, but money is not. &nbsp;It is included in what is in the bank.<=
Juscha, two issues 1. money &nbsp;2. finalizing the contract<BR>
???With the new financial situation developing, we do not know exactly what=
will happen financially, new FD, new mailings, etc. &nbsp;How long will it =
for us to get a handle on the financial situation so that we can do a hire<=
without constantly worrying that we are just not going to be able to meet<B=
the payroll? &nbsp;At what point will we be comfortable, what does the fina=
picture have to look like? &nbsp;There are no answers, just guesses as to w=
hat we<BR>
can do. <BR>
Should Brent start part time, does it have to be from DC? &nbsp;How does Br=
feel about this? &nbsp;He has to be in on the decision and comfortable.<BR>
Went round and round, finally moved to the contract.<BR>
Jake proposed, with much amendment, discussion, and refinng<BR>
Brent starts Feb 16 full time in DC office. &nbsp;March 15 we reevaluate. &=
nbsp;If it<BR>
looks bad fiancially we give Brent the 30 days notice that is called for in=
the contract exit clause, and (I am not clear on how the 20% reduction<BR>
business works, and how to transition back to normal if that works or what.=
If we give notice on March 15 the termination date would be April 15 unless=
the finances improve and we all mutually agree that Brent should stay on.<B=
Brent is of course always free to leave with proper notice even if it is<BR=


working well. I just do not get all the details of this, but several people=
had a much clearer picture on what we were agreeing to. ) &nbsp;Hopefully a=
that info will be put into the rewritten contract that Juscha will finalize=
and then offer for review. &nbsp;In the mean time we have a verbal agreemen=
t to<BR>
go forward and sign the contract once it does what was agreed to by the<BR>
group on the call. &nbsp;I am sure someone else wil fill in the details I m=
Salary will be $30,000 per year.<BR>
Vote on the SC to accept the negotiations as discussed, with Brent starting=
full time on Feb 16 in DC was 4 to 2. &nbsp;Badilli stood aside. &nbsp;Ben,=
Jo, Marnie,<BR>
Jake voted to start Brent full time. &nbsp;Greg, Anita, voted to start him =
time. &nbsp;vote 4 to 2<BR>
Final actions. &nbsp;Juscha will send around a new contract based on this<B=
discussion. &nbsp;if it includes what we all think it will, SC will sign an=
d Brent<BR>
will start FEb 16. <BR>
Session ended about 11:45 EST<BR>


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