[MCR] Rockies, Oh Le Tabernac and Les Miserables

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Sun Dec 26 22:42:17 EST 2010

Climbed Oh Le Tabernac and Les Miserables today with my friend,
Raphael Slawinski. Good trail into OLT, look for it at the roadside
and save yourself some grief. Water raining down the left and right
of OLT, we scampered in from the left and were dry enough going up
the centre.

One party had been up Les Mis and there were tracks to follow. We
found little avalanche hazard to the base of the climb at present due
to lack of snow. Below freezing up there all day today. The climb is
in great shape and is a fine climb at present. Whoa Whoa Capitaine is
climbable but wet today and smaller than Les Mis

Happy trails,

Barry Blanchard
Mountain Guide

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WWC and Les Mis

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