[MCR] Rockies, Guiness Gully and Guiness Stout

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Sun Mar 14 21:19:29 EDT 2010

Guided Guiness Gully and Stout today, March 14. A nice cool morning
in Field, - 13 C. The 10- 30 centimetre snowpack leading to the first
pitch was locked up with a moist snow surface that had frozen hard
overnight. The first pitch is getting beaten out and some 10 and 13
centimetre ice screws are helpful.

Above the top pitch of Guiness Gully there is a good trail/otterslide
leading to Guiness Stout. The snowpack deepens to between 75 - 100 cm
below the Stout and the recent storm snow has settled to 10 cms of
dry snow. I found the March 8 surface hoar layer yielding moderate
hand shears, but felt there wasn't enough load, or slab, above it to

The Stout is in good shape with lots of new ice surface given the
cold night. The new layer of surface hoar had grown to 4 miliimetres
on top of the climb.

We bumslid much of the trail from the Stout down to the walk off
(skier's left) above Guiness Gully, and were able to bumslide much of
the descent gully.

A beautiful day out there.

Happy trails,

Barry Blanchard
Mountain Guide

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