[MCR] Rockies, Columbia Icefields.

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Sat Oct 9 15:31:55 EDT 2010

My fellow guide, Erica Roles, and I guided out of the Columbia
Icefields Campground from Monday to Friday, October 4-8. Conditions
continue to be good given freezing, or close to freezing, overnight
temperatures. Great supportive travel on the Little Athabasca
Glacier, and Boundry Glacier, leading to A2. The September 18th
picture below,w(hen there was much more snow) shows our route of
ascent, descent, on Wednesday. Note that this route avoids the steep
ice tongue of the lower north Little Athabasca Glacier.

Mt Wilcox was basically dry on our ascent of the South Ridge scramble
on Friday, we stepped on snow twice for about a meter each time.

A recreational party attempted the Grand Central Coulior on Mt
Kitchener retreating from above the 'Narrows' crux and reporting that
the Doyle/Blanchard ice strip was not in.'

Happy trails,

Barry Blanchard
Mountain Guide

Mt Wilcox on Friday. The size 3 avalanche that I reported in an MCR
last Sunday is visible, kind of, below the Silverhorn in the background.

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