[MCR] Mt. Victoria

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Fri Aug 5 17:47:59 EDT 2011

Ian Jackson and I climbed Mt. Victoria today by the Huber Ledges route to
within a few metres of the summit. The ledges are dry. The glacier has
excellent coverage making for good travel while the crusts remain frozen.
The gullies leading from the bergschrund (easy to cross) to the Victoria
ridge are all snow with some post holing. We had planned to descend to
Abbott Pass but did not want to commit to the last slope above the hut, so
descended our ascent route. The ridge is still very snowy with overhanging
sections and it requires careful assessment. We decided to not deal with
the last few metres to the summit and the large snow mushroom (see picture).
I would say that the SE ridge route still presents more difficulties than
normal especially for August.

Marc Ledwidge


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