[MCR] Bugaboos July 15

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Fri Jul 15 20:00:53 EDT 2011

Just back from the Bugaboos climbing with some students from Invermere and
Kimberley in celebration of BC Park¹s 100th year anniversary.

In addition to Steve Blagbrough¹s posting from 2 days ago...

* with Wednesday night¹s heavy rain several television sized rocks fell on
the B/S col
* there is now electricity at the hut
* caution for icefall when descending onto the Bugaboo Glacier from the
Pigeon/ Snowpatch rappels. The icefall seems to be more active this year
and can effect the slope at the bottom of the rappels but this can be
avoided by staying left against the rock
* up to 10cm of snow fell between Thursday afternoon and Friday morning down
to 2300m, still snowing up high as of this morning

Lilla Molnar
Mountain Guide

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