[MCR] Sacre Bleu Mt. Rundle

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Wed Nov 9 22:18:23 EST 2011

Kris Irwin and I had a great day on Sacre Bleu.  The climb is in good shape, with only a trace of snow on the approach and zero wind today. From the Kiosk we were able to get to the base of the approach ice in 2 hours of easy travel.  We hiked up the drainage and moved into the trees to the right when the drainage cliffs out.  A bunch of fun approach steps led to 2-3 (depending on how you break it up) pitches.  Neither of us had climbed it before and were surprised to find chain anchors in a bunch of places.  Beyond the actual climb, there is still more ice, but we were thwarted by a thigh deep pool hiding under the snow.  It looked like another nice pitch of ice beyond that though! 
On our way out we went to take a look at Professors.  It appears to have all the pitches formed from what we could see....but we didn't take a close enough look to know for sure how "in" it really is.

Sarah Hueniken
ACMG Alpine Guide

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