[MCR] Southern Purcells

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Tue Dec 11 10:06:33 EST 2012

Had a great day of ski touring up Dewar Creek.  There is a little less snow up here compared with the western drainages of the St Mary's valley but still good coverage.  160 cm of snow at 2250 m in a large north facing bowl.  Some minor new wind effects where observed above 2300 m.  We topped out at 2400 m.  Possibly more significant wind effects higher in the Alpine,  especially directly below Alp ridges and in exposed areas.  With continuous pole probing the snow pack felt positive and settling out well.  Tests showed the buried SH bonding well, reacting for Moderate to hard shear results.  The November rain crust was down 110 cm and did not react to test results.

Dan Madell
ACMG Ski Guide
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