[MCR] King Creek and Guinness Gully

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Tue Nov 12 13:05:07 EST 2013

Hey All!
Spent the last few days out ice guiding at King Creek & on Guinness Gully down in Field.
King Creek is in and good to go, as is Guinness. Short screws and a gentle touch required on Guiness in places but good pro throughout. Busy times in King Creek over the weekend - currently there's room for about 5 ropes at the main area, but the far climbers left end is currently underwater due to a shift in the position of the creek provided by this past summer's flooding. Maybe it will freeze over later this winter, but for now it's a no go.
On a side note, one of my guests left behind a pair of black Arc'Teryx gloves in the parking lot. If anybody happened to pick them up yesterday, I'm sure he'd love to get them back! Good Karma offered in return.
Have fun out there!
Mike TrehearneCloud Nine Guides
Route Photos & Blog:http://www.cloudnineguides.com/blog/game-on-ice-guiding%21www.facebook.com/cloudnineguides
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