[MCR] Bear Warning Issued for Illecillewaet Campground

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Thu Jul 10 18:58:29 EDT 2014

Hello Everyone,

If you happen to heading to the Roger's Pass and are planning to approach
for Sir Donald or Mt. Uto, a Bear Warning (not a travel restriction) is in
place for the Illecillewaet Campground and surrounding areas.   A sow and
her two cubs have been frequenting the area recently as they normally do.

Please keep your eyes open, head on a swivel and make plenty of  noise as
you travel in the Asulkan and Illecillewaet drainages and take the normal
precautions as you travel in bear country.  Carrying bear spray is also a
sensible and recommended precautionary measure.

One more thing to note is that a large avalanche ( that came out around May
1st, 2014) has spread dirt and rock debris across the trail for about a
300m stretch of trail below the practice slopes (on the new trail bypass).
It is on the roster for maintenance but hasn't been attended to just yet.

Have fun out there this weekend and play safe.

Take Care,

Paddy Jerome
Visitor Safety Technician
Mount Revelstoke & Glacier National Parks
Ph. 250 814 3524
patrick.jerome at pc.gc.ca
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