[MCR] Bow Glacier

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Fri Jul 25 02:18:36 EDT 2014

Hi Team,

Just back from an Intro to Mountaineering with Yamnuska.com.

The snow pack has deteriorated significantly since my last trip in this
region at the beginning of July. There is a significant increase in ablated
zones (dry glacier).

We were able to complete our course without the use of crampons, including
summits of Saint Nicholas, Olive N and S, and Gordon. Snow depths ranged
from 10-80cms. We travelled between the wind scoop below Mt. Thompson and
the aforementioned peaks. Crampons will be a necessity in the imminent

The water levels around Bow Lake are beginning to recede, as snow levels
decrease, meaning travel is now possible in running shoes without getting
wet feet.

Brent Peters
Alpine Guide
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