[MCR] Roger's Pass Conditions

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Sun Jun 22 11:19:57 EDT 2014

Hello Folks,

Alpine routes are starting to come into shape at Rogers Pass, with
Mt.Tupper and Mt. MacDonald seeing ascents in the last week and into this

Snowline is at approximately 1800-1900 meters (aspect dependent) and
continues to creep upwards with the warmer summer temps.

Water levels are still rising as the snow melts; creek crossing options
exist but prepare for the possibility of getting wet feet.  For the western
routes on Mt. MacDonald a log exists just downstream of the Tractor Shed
parking area.

For the big North Facing routes (i.e. Prime Rib) a log crossing exists just
upstream of the Lens gun position (just before the second snow shed heading
east).  Both are marked with flagging tape.  Many of the big rig routes
still appear to be seeping as of this morning,

In the Asulkan/Illecillewaet drainages, routes such as the SW Ridge of Uto
appear to be in condition however the bigger and cooler aspect routes such
as NW Ridge of Sir Donald still need some time to dry out.   Expect early
season conditions on the routes themselves, the approaches and the
potential for sporty creek crossings as previously mentioned.

Take Care,

Paddy Jerome
Visitor Safety Technician
Mount Revelstoke & Glacier National Parks
Ph. 250 814 3524
patrick.jerome at pc.gc.ca
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