Train Simulator

nw-mailing-list at nw-mailing-list at
Sun Jan 15 17:01:49 EST 2006

Microsoft's train simulator is a quirky piece of software at best, but is basically all we got, until something better comes along, witch may happen soon. I help Austin Yoder with his Pocahontas district, I have also started on my route, witch from my last few postings; ya'll can guess what it is, The North Carolina Branch!

This is the website showcasing the route, it is VERY OUTDATED.. but it has several good screenshots in it. You can feel free to curse me for the unfinished state of the website, as I am the webmaster, just got so busy at the time with other stuff.

I did recently make a new version of the Pocahontas district, it is a single large file with a self installer, you MUST have a high-speed connection to get the file, it is just over 200 mb But the good thing about it is, that it SELF INSTALLS the route, no need to know ANYTHING about MSTS to make it work, just a couple of clicks, and walla, INSTALLED!

It is available in the file library, FREELY available their. There are several Norfolk and Western diesels in the File Library as well, some really excellent ALCO's come to mind right off hand, and a pleathora of N&W cars, no passenger cars tho.

There is a plethora of high quality NS stuff in the file library,

This route truly is a beautiful piece of work, and most places are instantly recognizable!

Andy Jennings

"Andy J" on the forum

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