Bristol line CTC sidings

nw-mailing-list at nw-mailing-list at
Fri Jul 21 02:01:05 EDT 2006

I can't say that I remember that one Ben, but you're welcome!
----- Original Message -----
From: nw-mailing-list at<mailto:nw-mailing-list at>
To: NW Mailing List<mailto:nw-mailing-list at>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: Bristol line CTC sidings

Oh, and there's someone I forgot. Chuck Akers. Chuck was the first person who took the time one Tuesday evening at Glade Spring in 1992 to explain to my cousin and me how to read the signal aspects, and this was my first lesson in signals.
Thanks Chuck!
Ben Blevins

nw-mailing-list at<mailto:nw-mailing-list at> wrote:
nw-mailing-list at wrote:
There have been several good, detailed responses to the question, "In steam and early diesel days, what were the CTC-controlled passing sidings on the Bristol line?" Gordon Hamilton

First of all, I would just like to say that the Pulaski District (Bristol Line) is my home territory and that block signals are my main subject of study as far as railroading is concerned. The lists I contributed came from the sharing of information from a number of people who I have met through this list. First and foremost, Abram Burnett supplied me with builders photos of the Pulaski District CTC machine which detailed every single signal on the line when the system was installed, as well as countless articles and documents, and his general wisdom. Harry Bundy supplied me with the necessary track charts to detail the signal system at the end of its operation, and Ed King gave me information on "off branch" signals that were not listed on the CTC machines. I have taken information from many sources and spent years putting together the puzzle of "what used to be where". I just want to thank them, and anyone else I've forgotten, for sharing this information with me. Most especially Mr. Burnett, who's guidance has taken me and straitened me out when it comes to block signals in all "aspects"!

Ben Blevins

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