The Cost Savings of Steam Today.

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Fri Jan 11 09:54:52 EST 2008

Excuse me ! Excuse me ! If we're talking about
efficiency and coal for fuel, hasn't something been
overlooked ? My apologies John, I haven't done
the number-crunching on your presentation.
Between us, Larry Hill and I invested a gazillion
man-hours trying to justify extending two sidings
on the Lafayette District. To his credit, J. P. Fishwick
could squeeze a nickel so hard, it would constipate
the buffalo. As far as I know, Marshfield and West
Lebanon were never improved, so I'm just not up
to another cost analysis.

How about using coal to produce electricity ? At
the time N&W inherited VGN's electrification,
Appalachian Power was approached to supply
the juice. N&W was not ready to compensate
APCO for the penalty should a surge occur. N&W
hired an outside consultant to compare electrification
with dieselization Roanoke-Elmore. The consultant
used a figure of $0.16/gal for diesel fuel.

Maybe the cost of the support system -- power house,
catenary etc. wouldn't justify it. Neither would
electrification justify itself on little used lines, but there
have been improvements in power generation since
the 60's.

Harry Bundy

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