History Lesson 101

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Fri Aug 22 13:05:14 EDT 2008

Hopefully we have all learned a little bit about World War II (and even WW1) history today from an unintentional error in writing. Having occasionally edited and proofread railroad newsletters, they are easy to slip by. Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater here over an obvious and unintentional error.
Let us give praise and thanks for the fine job the Arrow editor undertakes and those in similar positions around the country, if not the world also perform for those who love to read their every word and occasionally pounce on the occasional mis-step or two. Until you have walked in that person's shoes be careful what suggest. It might next be YOU in the hot seat. Having deadlines for your so-called "fun/volunteer" job, all the while with the kids screaming in the next room, Mom undergoing medical treatment and your "real Monday-Friday boss", breathing down your backside over a real deadline.
Let's play nice and be considerate of those who do the thankless tasks we either are unable or unwilling to perform.
True, errors creep in. Look at your local daily newspapers and you can find them, and these are from professionally trained people making many thousands of dollars to ensure they don't happen.
Now, if someone starts talking about ........ let's say the Class J locomotives and says they were numbered 758 to 882 and there were 125 of them built by the Roanoke shops, which  are in West Podunckadunk, Kansas during the Franco-Prussian War back in the 19th Century, that might be another story. Take them out to the nearest cleaners and educate them.
'nuff ced.
Bob Cohen

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