N&W in 1908 -- Cincinnati line

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Wed Sep 10 14:28:45 EDT 2008

Bluefield Daily Telegraph
May 14, 1908

Coke Trains on Norfolk and Western May Be Routed in Near Future
The Cincinnati Division of the Norfolk and Western may in the near future become the most popular along the entire system. It is a well known fact in railroad circles that the coke trade is a big part of the Norfolk and Western freight business. This coke comes from the Pocahontas field and is sent to the big steel mills out near Chicago. The Pennsylvania railroad sends the coke to the Norfolk and Western [ ??] and they relay it to Chicago. It has been the custom of the Norfolk and Western to send these trains over to Columbus and from there to Chicago, because a larger train can be hauled on the route.
But now the Pennsylvania people tell the Norfolk and Western to send it by way of Cincinnati because they claim that way is 70 miles nearer to Chicago. They also cite an interstate law which is to the effect that goods must be shipped by the nearest route. They expect to carry this into court and compel the Norfolk and Western to take the large coke trains through by way of Cincinnati.
If this plan is carried out a large number of trainmen would be would be given employment, as the heavy trains can not be carried over that division with out the assistance of many more workmen.
Gordon Hamilton
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