Switch List branch operations questions?

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Thu Jun 20 11:12:21 EDT 2013

On the Shenandoah Div. the agent would give the conductor a message
with a list of what cars needed to be placed or pulled from an industry
along with the bills for the cars that were being pulled. The list would
show the car numbers, where each was to be spotted or pulled from and if
cars were loaded or empty. The conductor would make a switch list of
what was in the inbound train, similar to the one shown, to give to the
yardmaster at the inbound terminal. The conductor also made a CR10 (Car
Report) listing the car number, type of car, load/empty, contents,
approx. tonnage, destination and time pulled or placed at each industry.
This was also turned in to the yardmaster at the completion of duty.

Jimmy Lisle

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