Crewe Station Was Demolished

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Wed Feb 26 10:15:34 EST 2014

Thanks for the correction, Bill. As many times as I passed the
museum en route to North Carolina, it became a real puzzle as
to why the museum didn't stand as tall as the original depot. Now
I know.

Most of the time, my attention was distracted to the fence
between the museum and the site of the old YMCA. There
were the traffic control machines from the division office
building left as a donation to the Town of Crewe. Last trip
on U.S. 460, they were no longer there. Perhaps someone
has rescued this piece of history from rusting in the weather.

One other unique building in Crewe that's no longer there is
the Division Superintendent's residence. Guess it was a perk
as one advanced up the management ladder. But I guess
the one missing element that Crewe no longer has isn't
railroad-related -- a supermarket. The Star (?) super store is
closed. Ah, but Crewe does has an alphabet store (read
A.B.C.). Harry Bundy

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