Not NW but,

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Wed Nov 4 13:35:40 EST 2015


Yes, Duke Power does own a fleet of cars, both Bethgons and Rapid discharge cars, all under DKPX reporting marks. The entire fleet is less than 5 years old. Historically, Duke let both CSX and NS use rr company owned cars. Southern bought their Silversides specifically Duke Power and Alabama Power. The Duke Power trains came off the Interstate and run to Knoxville, Asheville, with some trains heading east over the Old Fort line and others southeast down Saluda Mtn.

NS continued the use of Silversides, and added Dolly Parton cars and Bethgons as aluminum rotary dumps, followed by TopGons, and more modern variants of the Bethgons, covering G113's, G116's, G117R's, G118R's and G119's. I do know NS did use some of their rapid discharge cars in specific plants as Duke Power upgraded from three and four bay cross dump service to RD service in order to cut unloading times.

CSX historically has served Duke Power with company cars as well with both bethgon type cars and cross dump cars. CSX's rapid discharge fleet does not exist anylonger as they were returned to the leasor a couple of years after they were built. CSX's aluminum bethgons were originally bought for captive service between far northern WV and Baltimore.

In the past year NS has re-acquired the Duke Power - Marshall contract at Terrell, NC. There was 5 Marshall trains for every Brice train run, so that was a nail in the CRR, BUT that contract renews every 2-3 years as both NS and CSX have direct access to the plants. All three Marshall plants were recently upgraded to more efficiently and more cleanly burn coal, as were another 6-7 Duke plants. So that traffic won't go away anytime soon.

Duke also owns plants in Indiana and Illinois, so they run their cars out there as well.

Hope this helps.


Happy Connecting. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 5

-------- Original message --------
From: NW Mailing List via NW-Mailing-List <nw-mailing-list at>
Date: 04/11/2015 13:01 (GMT-05:00)
To: nw-mailing-list at
Cc: NW Mailing List <nw-mailing-list at>
Subject: Re: Not NW but,


A friend in Tar Heelia told me CSX had just

completed installation of new signals and

new ties in the vicinity of the Duck Power

plant.  Timing is everything.

Does Duke own (or lease) its own coal hoppers ?

If so, CSX is going to pay for the additional

mileage accumulating from the Washington or

Atlanta reroute.        Harry Bundy
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