Virginian Railway Electrification/Riding the N&W Steam Clips

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Wed Apr 6 09:57:41 EDT 2016

. Of course, the N&W really wanted to get rid of the electrics, as it was now out of character with their operating plan as well, so they could easily adjust the numbers to show exactly what upper management wanted to see.

Right on, Ken.  N&W hired a noted consulting firm to make a  comparison of
diesel vs. electrics. The study was slightly biased because N&W advised the
consultants what answer to give.  The formula used was  costs to produce  say
1,000 horsepower by electrics vs. 1,000 horsepower by diesels.
 Needless to say, the diesels won.  That's when diesel fuel was going for about
 $0.14/gallon.                                                 Harry Bundy
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