Repair/repaint caboose advice

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Tue May 21 10:38:51 EDT 2024

Greetings, The Rural Retreat Depot Foundation doesn't own the caboose beside us, but it is a main attraction and is worthy of looking good. The Town, owner, has asked if the Foundation would maintain it, and we agreed. We'll be asking for local donations for the materials and labor, so we need to know how much money we'll need to raise. We hope to do it "right", but will could be financially limited to 'spruce up'.If anyone or organization on this list has done this elsewhere I would appreciate a conversation and advice. We're assuming cleaning, repairs, primer and final, and there must be details under that. Perhaps this is something that could be contracted as a package. Any and all advice is appreciated! Frank Akers, presidentRR Depot Foundation

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