Solid O.R.T. in Seymour, Indiana - 1912

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Tue Jul 9 15:26:28 EDT 2024

Wow. That's the month the Titanic sank (April 15, 1912). 
-Phil Miller

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From: NW-Mailing-List <nw-mailing-list-bounces at> On Behalf Of NW Mailing List
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2024 11:59 AM
To: N&W Mailing List <nw-mailing-list at>
Subject: Solid O.R.T. in Seymour, Indiana - 1912

Note attached photograph. "Solid O.R.T." means that every person who works in that office is a member of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers.

Mr. Miller thinks that is me shown in the photograph. It is not. I was off the day the photographer came and snapped this photo. The man in the chair may be Mr. Tommy Duncan, from Austinville.

Be that as it may, When did the N&W begin issueing those lovely calendars we all remember from the Old Days ?

-- abram burnett
steam powered turnips

We Happily Promote Canals, Steam Navigation, Railroads, Telegraph, the American Indian, Motherhood, the Luminiferous Æther .. and Turnips.

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