N&W Service Pins: The Engine Ain't Right !

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Sun Jul 21 21:08:10 EDT 2024

Shore looks quite like one of them Cee and Ohh Kanawah Type 2-8-4 Ly-mah Ohio (not Lee-ma Peru) lokies to this damn fool Yankee who don’ know nuthin’ no-how.

Brian Gilleran
Herndon, VA

> On Jul 21, 2024, at 8:44 PM, NW Mailing List via NW-Mailing-List <nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org> wrote:
> Today I was sittin' out in the Turnip Patch, under the Eucalyptus Tree, sippin' m'ah Mint Jewlip an' meditatin' about things as their are and as they are said to be.
> An' ah' said to mah'seff,  "Se'ff, da Lokie on them N&W service pinz jess ain't right. That Lokie is 'spozd to be a Class K Mountain, but it looks like th' die engraver made his'seff a 2-8-4."
> And then a'h thought to mah'seff, "Boy, you ain't na'thin but an old sod-bustin' Turnip Farmer, so'z ya should really refer this to da Smart People on da Enn & Dubbie List... ya know, da REALLY smart fell'ers, like that Mis'ta Miller dude. He got a good Crystal Ball an' he knowz jess about evuh'thang ! " 
> Tach'mint... and waitin' fer yall'z thoughts.  Ya' can find me in da shade down under da Eucalyptus Tree when you reach yo' conclusion.
> -- abram burnett
> Fightin' Turnip Dis-Information!!!<N&W Veteran 20 Year Pin _ edited.jpg>________________________________________
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