Schooler Hill Old Line: Hickman's Cut and Shuffelbarger's Dip

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Mon Jan 13 16:29:47 EST 2025

Yes, this is like a moon-shot, but sometimes the most esoteric questions posted on this list produce outstanding results.

On the old line over Schooler Hill, from New River to Belspring, there are two named locations I am attempting to identify. Both would have been on the west side of the hill, i.e. between Schooler and Dry Branch.

The Special Instructions section of the 1897 Time Table contains a number of instructions regarding the return movement of helper engines which have assisted eastward trains up the hill eastward from Dry Branch. (It appears that helper engines were permitted to return to Belspring without Train Orders, with right over all trains except First  Class Trains. To me, this indicates the railroad was trusting the Operator at Belspring to hold any following eastward trains, except First Class Trains, by use of his Manual Block Signal, pending arrival of the light helper engines returning.)

Here are the Special Instructions in question:

1.) Dry Branch helper engines will work extra between Dry Branch and Schooler and will not move east except when helping trains or between Hickman’s Cut and Schooler when closely following the train they have assisted.

2.) Two (2) Helper Engines are assigned to service at Dry Branch, and when returning from Schooler or Shufflebarger’s Dip, have right-of-track to Dry Branch over all trains except First Class Trains.

3.) Pusher Engines will be cut loose from train at Hickman’s Cut and one engine only will follow through Shufflebarger’s Dip to assist train over summit at Schooler if necessary.

4.) When an EXTRA pusher engine is working between Dry Branch and Schooler, making three (3) in all, two engines will assist from Dry Branch or Back Creek to Hickman’s Cut, and two (2) engines will have right of track to Belspring against all eastbound trains, except first-class trains.

NOW... WHERE were Hickman's Cut and Shufflebarger's Dip ??? A description would be Dandy, but coordinates would be Candy.

-- abram burnett
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