PCNJ E-News - 2011 Membership

PCNJ News pridecenter-news at pridecenter.org
Sun Jan 16 14:36:09 EST 2011


January 17, 2011

P.O. Box 5130, New Brunswick, NJ 08903

85 Raritan Avenue, Suite 100, Highland Park, NJ 08904-2430

(732)846-2232  http://www.pridecenter.org

Visit http://www.pridecenter.org
for much more information on

events, groups, volunteer opportunities and

Dear Friend,


My name is David
Rogoff, and I'm delighted to greet you as the new President of The Pride Center
of New Jersey, Inc.  January is the month
in which we conduct our annual Membership Drive. If you are a member, you will
shortly receive a letter from me asking you to renew. I hope that you will send
in your renewal as soon as you can.


I am also
sending this announcement to our E-Newsletter listing because there are far
more people who receive this E-Newsletter than there are members of the
Center.  We need your support!  Please let me explain why.


The Pride Center
has gone through many changes in the last two years. We have an expanded,
diverse and invigorated Board of Trustees. Just a year ago we moved to our new,
expansive and handicapped accessible location in Highland Park, at 85 Raritan
Avenue, Suite 100. We have seen growing involvement in the Center with the
establishment of the Gay Men’s’ Guild, Men’s Living Out Group, Women’s Coming
Out Support Group, Bisexual Social Support Group, Youth Drop-in, the 20’s/30’s
Come Out and Play Social Activities Group for men and women, and the transgender
support group, Trueselves!


As a Center we
marched in both the Asbury and New York Pride Parades again this past year. We
have sponsored many successful events with our annual Valentine’s Day GALA,
Club Fest, the Men’s Guild Fashion Show and our Volunteer Recognition Brunch.


But this past
year has also been a tumultuous year for the LGBTIQ community in New Jersey and
the nation; a mix of accomplishment and tragedy. We mourned the loss of Tyler
Clementi and other LGBTIQ youth. The Pride Center community came together to
support one another and try to make sense of the tragedy. Our community came
together again to encourage a courageous presentation of the Laramie Project at
North Brunswick High School when the forces of the bigotry and hatred that
threaten our community opposed the project. Yet we celebrated with the
enactment of Anti-bullying Legislation in New Jersey and the repeal of Don’t
Ask Don’t Tell.


I’m sending you
this message, because we are committed to serving all of the LGBTIQ community
in New Jersey. Events of this past year show how important a place like the
Pride Center is. We want to provide a safe and welcoming place for our
community to meet and organize, find support and assistance, socialize and


But we can’t do
it without YOU. Perhaps you remember a time when you felt unaccepted or worse
simply because you were gay, lesbian, bi, or transgender. Maybe our Pride
Center or another organization was there for you. Perhaps you found support in
a group of friends who shared your feelings. Or maybe you never had any of
these. What the Pride Center aspires to be for our community is a place where
anyone like you and I can come for friendship, affirmation and support.


We rely on the
support of our MEMBERSHIP and DONATIONS to keep our services going and our
doors open. I urge you to activate a membership today and/or to make a donation
to support your Pride Center. Though we continue to make great strides as a
Center and a Community there is still much work to be done.


You can renew or
become a member or make a donation online via PayPal at the www.pridecenter.org website, in person at the Pride Center or by filling out a
membership form with your check or credit card information (the form is also
available for download online). This year we are introducing a convenient
automatic monthly billing via PayPal for Gold Memberships and above.


Please feel free
to contact me at president at pridecenter.org with any questions, comments or
concerns you may have about becoming a Pride Center member or any other issue.


Thank you for
your past support and we look forward to seeing you at YOUR Pride


Very truly

David Rogoff, President

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