[Slowhand] live blueswailing

Greg W gwornex at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 16 21:12:27 EST 2003

I basically wanted to confirm what Apurvah said about
the Yardbird's CD that just came out. It is a
fascinating listen from the formative year's of EC. It
also becomes the first documented recording of EC
singing (Good Morning Little Schoolgirl). His playing
on this date is much less 'tentative' than his earlier
performance on the Sonny Boy recording ,IMHO. (I
wonder if they knew they were being recorded on this
date). His tone is still 'thin' as this is
pre'humbucker' stuff........However, as someone who's
attempted to play the guitar for the past thirty
year's,it still amazes me to hear someone who was able
to play with so much 'feel' at the tender age of
19.......Sure I'm jealous!!!!!
Greg w.

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