[Slowhand] When You Got A Good Friend

DeltaNick deltanick at comcast.net
Wed Nov 19 21:50:29 EST 2003

Sounds like some people haven't listened to Robert Johnson yet (tsk, tsk ...
shame on you)!

Robert Leroy Johnson recorded 29 songs, but made 41 known recordings,
recording several versions of some songs (#41 was discovered around 1998 or
1999, and is now in the Library of Congress). So, if you see some notes
claiming that he made only 40 recordings, they're a bit dated.

Also, there are only 2 known photographs of Johnson, one in which he appears
with a cigarette in his mouth. However, when the U.S. Postal Service made
this one into a postage stamp a few years ago, the cigarette was airbrushed
out of the photo, so as not to be politically incorrect (see BOTH photos,
plus the airbrushed one, at

Johnson's a bit difficult to take, at first. Even Clapton has said so. But
once you get the hang of it, things roll along rather smoothly.

BTW, Johnson played a Gibson, as pictured on Robert Johnson, "The Complete

I don't know what brand of cigarettes he smoked.


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