[Slowhand] Kamen Tree Votes

Bryan Siever bsiever at wowway.com
Thu Nov 27 19:06:51 EST 2003

Greetings Fellow slowhanders,
All who are interested in the Kamen tree: I have put up a web page with a
simple voting mechanism so you can vote for which show we could do. There
are two shows, a concerto which has EC on one song or a RAH show which EC
performed with Kamen.
The show with the most votes will be chosen (provided there is enough
interest), simply visit the web page: www.wowway.com/~bsiever/kamenvote.html
and click the button for which show you want, the web page will bring up
your email window with the subject and vote already filled out so simply
send it off for your vote. Voting Ends DECEMBER 4th.
Feel free to email me with any questions you have.

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