[Slowhand] responses about tour stops

Pat Toth iampigpen at comcast.net
Wed Jun 30 15:08:03 EDT 2004


>>After the show I worked my way around to Lee's station.  He came out into
the seating area and I congratulated him on the fine show, to which he
replied with a very present  look in the eye and a real and gracious "thank
you".  He walked over to a fellow on the main floor in a wheel chair,
chatted a bit and handed out a handful of Eric's picks.  He was kind enough
to hand me one too.  It says: "E.C.ON TOUR 2004" on one side and "ACROSS THE
U.S.A." on the other.

Thanks Eric!

Thanks Len! I don't know why we can't have more stories on the Digest like this. I've been on here for 4 years now and
probably missed out on alot of good tales. To those folks that have been on the digest for awhile and told *their* stories, tell us again here on the world wide web. There are alot of new folks on here now that would really appreciate hearing them for the first time.  The interactive "touched by God stories" out there such as *****EC stirring a sweet tea with his finger******. 

So please tell us all your stories that happened 5-10-20-35 years ago about EC. It would be so much better reading about history than ".....the first 3 people that respond will recieve....." whatever the hell they're giving away all the time. There is a place for that as well called the Slowhand Trade Center http://www.siteparc.fr/slowhandtrade/page1.html

The debates are good also but lately if not for those then all the Digest would become would be a trading/music sharing list

Thanks for your time and lets hear some stories
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