[Slowhand] Re: EC's politics

Kelly Murphy brucespringsteenfan at semo.net
Tue Aug 31 20:08:32 EDT 2004

Not aboug EC, but I think it's fine for artists to express their views.  If people don't like it
it's too bad really.  They have a right just as we do, and usually they don't use the whole
concert to express their views unless through songs.  Well, I don't know about many, but
Bruce Springsteen, even though a liberal, gives a pretty non-partisan speech about something
all Americans should agree upon though for some reason some still get negative.  EC's music is 
much more relationship oriented or looking inward where as other artists (Springsteen, Dylan) 
deal with that and (social) politics.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Almighty Geetarz 
  To: slowhand at planet-torque.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 7:15 AM
  Subject: [Slowhand] Re: EC's politics

  Re: EC's politics.

  It seems that EC did learn a little something from the furor caused all those years ago
  by his comments on stage, and has since then wisely kept his views off-stage at least.

  This is of course a wise move that would be well studied by many other artists, actors,
  etc..  The ability to sing a song, play a guitar, act a role, doesn't make anyone any more
  intelligent than anyone else, and it's unfair quite frankly to your audience who is not 
  there for that reason, to subject them to matters that they didn't come to see or hear.
  A concert for instance with a political theme is a different matter, but in general, the 
  advice "shut up and play yer geetar" is best heeded during a concert.  

  As a friend of mine so correctly opined after Santana felt obliged to inflict his political
  views on those of us who had travelled to the Crossroads Festival to hear a benefit
  concert ... "he's over the age of 35 and as long as he's a citizen, he's welcome to run 
  for president ... and if not, SHUT THE HELL UP". Well said ... I mean, what is to gain
  by getting into it? Whatever the artist's opinion, you will get cheers from the people who
  support your views, but simply annoy your other fans - there's no point.

  The scary thing is that the Powell controversy came at a point in EC's life when he was
  drinking heavily so can be excused to a certain degree - so many other artists don't 
  have a convenient excuse!


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