[Slowhand] Air guitar

Jeff Engelmann JEngel2000 at cableone.net
Sat Dec 31 21:20:35 EST 2005

daniel shearon <dshearon at gmail.com> wrote:

>Scroll down to the 7th picture.



Look at that pic again - over EC's right hip you can see a shadow that looks
very much like a guitar. I suspect they digitally removed the guitar from
the picture, although I can't figure out why. What's the facination with
air guitar?


That web page was devoted to Photoshop tricks. My favorite is the sun worshipers floating above the patio.
As far as air guitar is concerned, I don't get it either. I have too many real ones that don't get played enough.


Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid
you. -- Winston Churchill
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