[Slowhand] Non DN-content again

Brian Tronsgaard tronsgaard at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 18 05:16:51 EDT 2006


Why do you even pass this negative, stupid stuff on to the list? Reading
stuff like this on the list makes me feel like being part of a group of old,
bitter jerks whining about having no passion in their lives!
"but the other two songs in his first set he does NO solos at all ("Willie"
and "Lay Down Sally"). Zip. Andy Fairweather whatever takes the solos.
- Yes, you're friend (is it really you, Nick?) is right: not doing a solo is
a crime. It kills the music, he's right. It's true, this is bad - a major
mistake. He must be punished!

"No idea who Roger Taylor is, I skip it, too blow-dried for me."

This is what gives the whole review of the DVD the mark of a real
music-expert analysis.

"He's drowned out by that goof on a TROMBONE of all things. Clapton's
heating things up, and this old fart is bleating away, all over ANYTHING
cool that Clapton is trying to play, guitar or vocal. Sounds like a water
buffalo being strangled!"

Who's an old fart? Is it the writee?

"Look, you know I generally like horn SECTIONS, horn PARTS, but trombone
solos are just SLIGHTLY more interesting than drum solos or tuba solos. I
know this guy is famous for SOMETHING in England, but ... leave the damn
thing in the case and play a tambourine or something. NO ONE wants to hear
some bleating trombone solo, particularly while Clapton is FINALLY having a
decent moment in this show."

Man, some bitter old men wrote and sent this. Ain't it hard when you wake up
in the morning?

Kind regards,
Brian Tronsgaard.


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