[Slowhand] more bonamassa

sam mangano mangs88 at verizon.net
Fri Jun 30 23:35:32 EDT 2006

Ted Nugent on Playing at the Sand Dollar

Ted Nugent played an impromptu blues jam at the club on Feb. 25. Here's what he had to say about it, "Last night, my musical jihad grew even more hair on its scrotum, because I got to jam onstage, no band, just a couple of Les Pauls and a kid named Joe Bonamassa, a white kid from New York. It was just us onstage, and this little white prick, and this older white prick, continued to pretend we weren't, in fact, white at all. This kid deserves to be in the same class with Stevie Ray Fucking Vaughan and Jimi Hendrix and Jeff Beck. It was really inspiring. So this kid and I had maybe 40 minutes of exchanges of notes that don't exist, guitar sounds that are brand new, and soul and emotion that can only go back into the glow of the B.B./Albert/Freddy King world."
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