[Slowhand] Clapton needs a rocker album

KB4IUJ at aol.com KB4IUJ at aol.com
Tue Dec 4 23:41:17 EST 2007

These blues titles are ok, but he's like thinking inside the box. He needs
to be thinking outside of the box.
So as to grow - expand his horizons.

Like making some simple jam albums* and locally produce them and sell them
via his own website or via a ebay store. Rappers do it all the time. It'd be
so EASY to do.

*recorded jams no distinguishing titles from years of archiving. What this
would do is provide a neat source of entertainment for guitarist who'd like
to play along. You know how it is, your home alone and want to jam but
there's nobody to jam with. Sure, sure you could play along to Layla or Cocaine
but there's really no room for expansion or better term would be no room for
inventing a cool new track.

How many other international musicians have created a jam album ?

With something locally produced to keep the costs down and no real editing,
but just burn it to disk it's a no brainer. Now all his wife has to do is
photograph her husband, lets just hope she takes off that lens cap for making
the album covers.

Sounds like a crazy idea, but do you think his guitar fans would buy a few
different jam albums from the Clapton Archives. Without a doubt, just make
sure there denoted as "jam albums".

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