[StBernard] St. Bernardians in the Tangipahoa Region or Neaby

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Nov 6 14:55:42 EST 2005

There are alot of uncertainties in our lives right now. Being conceived,
bred, Baptised, Confirmed, Educated, Married, Divorced, employed,
unemployed, celebrated, attended....etc. in St. Bernard until four years
ago, I kept my roots HOME. Currently, I reside in Hammod, LA and I am
employed here, however my parents, sibblings, relatives, dear friends and
aquainted friends all lost what was HOME.

Understandably, I am aware that some will not return, some do not care to
return and some are not sure what to do at this time. I hear, read, listen
and talk about the do's, and's, if's and the but's that are in our minds and
it is amazing how strong our PEOPLE really are.

For those that will not return, and for obvious reasons you have said, I
respect you for your decision and wish you well, hoping you never forget
what ST BERNARD was like, for it was a very special place. Your heart will
remain there and in time, I believe you will eventually come back home for
an extended visit. Thanks for your love or HOME.

For those of you who are coming back, may our LORD BLESS YOU in your
undertaking of the rebuilding process, may you have great patience and
understanding of what is involved and may success in proving the outsiders
that HOME is spelled with the following letters: ST BERNARD!

And for those of you who are uncertain, whatever decision you make, you
will be happy. I encourage you contnue being skeptical until you are sure.

For all of you, I have created this email account to keep the people who
are currently displaced in the Tangipahoa area due to that storm, the one
that tore our lives apart, the one that has hurt so many people, the one
that has left so many unanswered questions, the one that has our children so
confused. I too am confused, even though the direct hit did not cause me to
lose my home, job or immediate family members, but I do empathasize with
your losses.

On the Saturday following Thanksgiving, November 26, 2005, I will be
hosting a ST BERNARD/TANGIPAHOA Resident Get-together for all of you are are
displaced and are currently located near the Hammond/Ponchatoula area.
Granted, those who are west of me, as well as in any other direction, are so
welcome to attend. There is no way right now to know how many of you would
be interested in attending, so I ask that you email me here to give my a yes
or no, to offer suggestions, or to help plan.

I have a bar b que pit, could probably find or buy another one for those
who are pit masters. I have large and small boiling pots for those of you
who wish to boil and I have large pots for those who venture into jambalaya,
etc. I will fill the ice chests, get the cups and be more than happy to
coordinate a space walk for those who wish to financially contribute for the
younger children. I have six bicycles here for older children to ride,
lots of parking off the street and an eager attitude about this.

Please talk to your family, friends and neighbors about attending. This
would be an opportunity for us to see one another face to face ST BERNARD
STYLE, to loosen up, get reaquainted and have fun.

Thank you,

Charlie Deubler, Jr.
112 Gwenlin Drive
Hammond, LA 70403
985-345-2264 home
985-351-3631 cellular

stbernardtangiresidents at yahoo.com

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