[StBernard] Parish website

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Jan 5 23:40:56 EST 2006

"Why can't I get onto the parish website? Everytime I try it just forwards
me to the parish government website. There was so much more information on
the actual parish site than the government one. When will the site be back
up? Many questions people had were answered on that site and the government
site just can't compare. Thanks. Melissa"

**Sorry, my friend, but a crew of "interested bosses" thought that the
original, most=cared=about site of 10 years was not appropriate to continue
another moment past Christmas. Oh, there were so many supporters and
complementary people who have voice their same thoughts. <sobbing>..

The site's original purpose was to keep politicians and others from using it
to their purposes. As the site's intent needed to inform, made interested to
visit, have 400 pages of great content about the parish's tourism, economic
development, happenings and emergencies, (as well as info about elected
officials in the parish, festivals, etc), it provided great features and
links to many sites that could help if not provided.

No mention was made as to WHY the site had to be disbanded. No warning or
reasoning. Only that info could be directed from some sources who could
control every aspect of its existence. The Economic Development Commission
and Mr. Ghuetteman were key factors and directors in its success and
popularity in the parish. We suppose others didn't follow the successes
because many were not into technology as such, so many in government did not
keep up with happenings on it.

The "computer" dept. there was in control and has condemned the original
site. More were hired at taxpayer's money and perhaps not needed (the old
"if it's not broke, don't fix it but marvel in the wonder of it all" ;)

Once Katrina hit, the opportunity was there to make its change to disband
the original and thus, what we see is its Phoenix (from ashes). Sad...

But, it's the truth.



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