[StBernard] Spiritual Gift

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Apr 14 22:47:08 EDT 2006

I pray that everyone will take some time today to reflect on the tremendous
suffering that Jesus endured for "Our sins". While without sin, he humbled
himself to come into the world in the form of a man and walk amongst
sinners. He was beaten and crucified by the very sinners he was dying for to
save. And even after he was nailed to the Cross, he asked God, his Almighty
Father, to "Forgive them, for they know not what they do". May we remember
this unconditional love which Jesus poured out for us on the Cross. And
while we are all suffering in many ways right now, nothing will ever compare
to the pain and suffering Jesus endured for us. May God Bless you all, and
have a safe and happy Easter!

Steve Fecke

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