[StBernard] Jindal says Craig should resign but not Vitter?

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Sep 3 19:48:36 EDT 2007

". If you can't (or don't) practice what you preach...SHUT UP! For me
it's just something to giggle at "

***Jimbo, well I practice what I preach so I'm not about to shut up! (as you

" I was waiting to see what the members of this list would have to
say/write. I don't recall seeing
anything. I didn't post anything because this list seems to be made up of
mostly Republicans (note-I did not say conservatives). But; not a peep. "

** The 8th commandment: "Neither shall you bear false witness against your
neighbor Well, Jimbo, perhaps someone's been deleting or not ready any of my
messages of late, as I've said all along that anybody, public (even you)
should be chastised for inappropriateness whether in public office or nay.
Since when is it good behavior to lessen the 8th and 10th's commandments of
God at any time??

"Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbor"

Under the 8th commandment, humans break a silence to boldly "spake"
falsehoods. The eighth Commandment commands that we bear witness to the
truth and show ourselves to be honest in our deeds and truthful in our
words, avoiding any hypocrisy (yes, hypocrisy). When we speak untruths (as
in, the statement, "I don't recall seeing anything ... not a peep"), one
either spreads falsehoods or he/she was not paying attention to the dialog
listed within.

About The 8th: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not
covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant.."

All commandments are a list of religious and moral imperatives that we guide
ourselves faithfully within the realm of god's commandments in life. I saith
that any man or woman who chooses willingly (yes we were provided with free
speech, a conscience and free will under GOD) to break these holy scriptures
of imperatives will be judged according by God and yes, man. In the Craig
case, he choose to cross the line and he was chastised for it (plain and
simple in his own admission, "I plead guilty." Now he'll have to answer to
man and the "higher order" (no not Morgus, but the Almighty).

In the case brought up, you lavish your lips as experienced by a hoodsman at
a guillotine assembly. Isn't any sense of sadness detected or felt? Is the
heart calloused (as per Pharaoh's wrath at Moses) toward conservatives?
(yes, I did not say Republicans)<G> However, one must realize that sin is
not bounded by the Republicans as the liberals (notice I didn't say
Democrats) is not a commodity of monopolism by any political parties.
Breaking the law of God (as adulterous affairs may not be a sectarian law)
by anyone is deemed wrong-doing and thus not criminal to warrant an arrest
or trial. Therefore, to ANYONE who breaks God's law must first acknowledge
admission of guilt, seek repentance and reform to the graces of our Maker.
Did not many democrats as equally get caught in the act, found out about,
etc. (I dare not say the word, "exposed" <G>) in some sort of chicanery or
miscue? Where was the outrage as well? All should be chastised to some point
(whether it be human law or God's) at some point in existence or afterlife.
It is written as such in the laws of man and the commandments (and Pharaoh
has said, "Let it be written, so let it be done") which is prophetically
proclaimed, I might add.

Finally (whew, long winded today), if one does not believe in man's set of
prerogatives, nor the word of the Lord .. what chance does he have for
redemption? For someone to proclaim that he/she is a man/woman of God is
simply not enough if one chooses to negate His laws, flaunt His word,
snicker at His aim and write "with phoniness" as if there's a great deal of
satisfaction yet to be met in life beyond doing His WILL.


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