[Woodcarver] (chat Greg)

Bill Judt bjudt at sasktel.net
Mon Jun 2 17:59:37 EDT 2008


So good to hear from you again. It's been a while.

When the bust is finished, I'd like to see it soon, so send me the
link to it, OK?

Blessings and Peace,


Bill Judt
46 Harvard Crescent,
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
bjudt at sasktel.net

On 2-Jun-08, at 6:44 AM, Greg Wilkerson wrote:

Yup, I’m still around. I’m still making chips, just not as many as I
used to do. I just finished a 30” by 30” shield and bust project for a
customer in Indianapolis, I’ll post an email when I get the pictures
up on my site. My regular job has me working all kinds of odd and
changing hours, so it bites into my woodcarving quite a bit. I am
going to be going back to the less stressful job (believe it or not)
of working in the jail as a corrections officer in a couple of months.
My hours should be a lot more steady then, which will allow me to get
back to a regular carving schedule.

Jan, sorry I haven’t gotten back to you. I’m getting to be one of the
worst at replying to emails. I keep thinking I will send one tomorrow,
but tomorrow always has some kind of crisis or chore that pops up.

I do still read the list with interest every day. It is really neat to
see some of the people who have joined the list progress in their
carving expertise, makes me want to just keep my mouth shut and learn
from the up and comers.
I was interested in replying to Sandie about Ol’ Don’s website
software search because I have been working on several new websites
lately and have been using Expression Web 2 with a lot of fun and
success. I’m doing a website for our church and possibly for a couple
of other businesses in the Branson area.

Well, guess I’ll slip back into my little corner here for a bit and
lurk a little. Good to talk to you guys.


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